Separating fact from fiction about cloud based technologies

With information around cloud technology ballooning online, NetDocuments presents a guide that helps debunk some common myths.


Cloud computing — once a mere buzzword among the technology elite — has burgeoned into a worldwide paradigm shift for business. Even before Covid-19 drove companies “into the cloud,”:

● 78% of law firms were storing data in the cloud,

● 69% intended to adopt cloud solutions, and

● The percentage worried about cybersecurity dropped from 33% to 17%.

When Covid-19 hit in 2020, work-at-home mandates accelerated cloud adoption among law firms to accommodate a remote workforce. In fact, 65% of firms report their cloud philosophy is now “Mostly in the cloud” or “Cloud with every upgrade.”

Industry experts suggest law firms of all sizes view cloud adoption as an inevitability.3 While this may be the case, you may feel your firm is not ready to take the plunge. Perhaps you’ve searched online for more information, only to be greeted by a tsunami of articles on the pros and cons of cloud computing. That’s why we’ve prepared this guide — to present you with the facts and debunk the myths of cloud computing.

A single source of truth

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