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How do I improve my law firm clients experience?

Lauren Colbeck, head of product at Access Legal, explains why legal client experience is now one of the most important parts of a successful law firm’s strategy and offers some top tips for law firms to consider.

The real cost of cloud

Cost-effectiveness doesn’t necessarily mean savings when it comes to cloud – it means a more effective use of your firm’s existing resources, says Louise Abbott, product marketing manager at Access.

The history of law firm automation

Automation in the legal sector means very different things today than it did seven decades ago. Jo Hunter, legal sector marketing specialist at Access Legal, traces the history of tech in legal.

A monthly legal compliance update

Law firms need to assess what the ongoing political upheaval – including the resignation of the prime minister – combined with updates to the compliance landscape this month mean for their risk profile, says Brian Rogers, regulatory director at Access Legal.

Risk assessments as wide as your firm

Firm-wide risk assessments are not to be taken lightly – they’re comprehensive exercises that need to be updated regularly, according to Beth Mayman, head of risk and compliance services at Access Legal.

The rules about law firm referrals from third parties and how to avoid problems

Access Legal’s regulatory director, Brian Rogers, cross-references common practice with SRA stipulations to highlight potential pitfalls of third-party referrals, and how to keep your firm compliant.

Making data pay – an inquiry into business intelligence for law firms

Lauren Colbeck of Access explores how law firms can take business intelligence to the next level and why it’s important to do so.

Ten challenges facing the legal profession this year

What are some of the things law firms should look out for this year? Darren Gower, sales director, of Access lays down ten defining challenges of 2022

Unpacking Lexcel accreditations for law firms

Access Legal’s regulatory director, Brian Rogers, examines the benefits of Lexcel accreditations in law, and how tech can help

What’s next after the conveyancing boom?

How can law firms manage high workloads while building efficiencies, putting clients first and keeping their own people happy? Mike Connelly, director at Legal Bricks, provides some answers.