Better from the inside: A video series — part one “Optimise”

Getting your processes streamlined involves a form of modern-day alchemy: applying the right mix of technology, people and skills to offer the best possible service for your staff and clients, according to Karl Southern, client advisor at LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions.

Karl Southern|LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions|

Task optimisation starts with three simple questions. Watch the video to find out more.

How LCI Law reclaims time with Clio

LCI Law | Clio |
LCI Law simplifies time-tracking and invoicing using Clio — making it a key contributor to the firm’s growth and success

Digital transformation top priority for law firms in 2025

| OneAdvanced |
Technological readiness is a key issue for law firms this year, new research from OneAdvanced shows, with legal businesses increasingly prioritising digital transformation