Better from the inside: A video series — part two, “Automation”

Squeezing more out of your system is always essential, particularly when businesses need to compete within an increasingly competitive and cost-conscious market. Automation gives firms a way to improve efficiency, thereby reducing costs and improving service, says Karl Southern, client advisor at LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions.

Karl Southern|LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions|

In this video, Karl Southern, client advisor at LexisNexis Enterprise Solutions, describes some of the use cases of automated intelligence.

How LCI Law reclaims time with Clio

LCI Law | Clio |
LCI Law simplifies time-tracking and invoicing using Clio — making it a key contributor to the firm’s growth and success

Digital transformation top priority for law firms in 2025

| OneAdvanced |
Technological readiness is a key issue for law firms this year, new research from OneAdvanced shows, with legal businesses increasingly prioritising digital transformation