How to move your IT systems to the cloud

Read Extech Cloud’s guide to navigating cloud migration and digital transformation for law firms and learn what’s really in the cloud.

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Rewind to March 2020. Businesses’ ways of working were changed almost overnight, with 88% of UK businesses encouraging working from home to come into immediate effect. 97% of all businesses cancelled work-related travel in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, many people are still working from various locations, whether that’s from their homes or maybe they’re back in the office for just a few days a week. This, in itself, can pose a problem. For instance, how do you ensure that everyone stays connected and able to work effectively? That’s where the cloud comes into play.

Confused about what the public cloud actually is?

Every business uses computers in one way or another. These are usually linked to shared folders or a network. In the past, this may have been managed by an on-site server where applications would also run. Over the last decade or so, some businesses were moved to private data centres or the private cloud, which is essentially the same thing but off-site. The public cloud is now taking over and means that businesses are utilising the services of large cloud providers, such as Google and Microsoft. When businesses move to the cloud, it can be described as ‘digital transformation’. Secure. Accessible. Collaboration. By combining industry-leading apps with robust cloud services, the Microsoft Cloud lets people create and share on any device, from anywhere in the world. Whether that’s fires, floods or a national pandemic, cloud computing is a solution that ensures, wherever your employees are based, they are all connected to the people and systems that are needed for them to work.

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