How to be a successful law firm leader

Simon Tupman, non-practising solicitor, podcaster and author, joins Amy Bruce, head of marketing at Osprey Approach, for episode seven of the Empowering Law Firm Leaders podcast.

In this conversation Simon discuss what makes a good leader, and how to build a high-performing team and culture effectively, with advice for future leaders.

Amy Bruce|Osprey Approach|

In this episode we cover:

  • The unique challenges faced by law firm leaders
  • How to build an effective leadership team
  • The characteristics of a good leader
  • Success measures leaders should use to track long-term success
  • Advice for future law firm leaders.

Three lessons for running a successful modern law firm

Having worked in, and with, various law firms across the globe, Simon believes these three lessons are what all leaders should implement and strive for to run a successful legal business in the long term:

  1. Run your firm as a business.
  2. Be human — don’t try to be someone you’re not.
  3. Look to the future: “Be aware not only of what other firms are doing, but also look outside for examples of good business practice and innovation and how that might apply to your firm.”

Advice for current law firm leaders

The second half of The Heart of Practice is dedicated to interviews with leaders across the globe. Simon shares that the one consistent theme coming from all 10 professionals he interviewed was to be human: “Be human and be yourself.

“Don’t leave your personality at the door. Bring yourself, bring your energy.”

Leaders can often hide behind an armoury,  he says, but the most successful leaders are authentic.

Simon advises leaders to find their passion: “I think there are a lot of professionals out there who are slaving away in the office, but they haven’t quite figured out why they’re doing it beyond paying the mortgage.”

He references David Maister, who said that only 10% of professionals actually love what they do, while 65% just tolerate it: “I know from my experience there is only a small per cent who have found the sweet spot of being passionate about what they’re doing, it’s meaningful for them, and they’re making full use of the professional skills.”

What characteristics or skills make an effective leader?

Simon lists several characteristics he believes make for an effective law firm leader, including:

  • Commercial acumen
  • Not afraid to fail
  • Vulnerable
  • Compassionate
  • Humility
  • Emotionally intelligent
  • Curious
  • Visionary.

To help inspire current and future leaders, he breaks the topic of leadership down into four interdependent areas. “The attributes listed above are in the first area, which focuses on self-leadership. Gain an understanding of your own abilities and capabilities. The leaders I interviewed go to great lengths to become more self-aware,” he says.

The other areas of leadership are people leadership, business leadership and community leadership: “I think there is an equal alliance to be placed on each of those four domains of leadership.”

To build a high-performing team, what are effective success measures law firm leaders should focus on?

Tracking ineffective success measures can lead to wrong decisions, Simon warns. And implementing the right success measures relies on an effective culture that is based on trust.

Simon recommends that leaders should ensure employees have responsibility for their KPIs: “Don’t only agree key performance metrics with your people, but get them to take control… invite employees to sign up to their own measures.”

Then, he believes, you can give people the opportunity to understand how their contributions fit into the bigger picture. “Every six months, ask how can we be better as a firm? How can you be better at your role? What would you like to do to grow professionally? What training would you like to take?”

Simon highlights that client satisfaction is a good measure of success and external feedback helps to shape internal thinking. “Often [success measures] don’t review the quality of work that’s being delivered.”

Self-awareness, curiosity and passion help law firm leaders succeed long-term

The definition of a law firm leader has required a shift in recent years to run a successful modern law firm. Today’s legal business requires agile decision-making, innovative thinkers and authentic leaders to stay competitive.

It’s important for law firms to have inspired leaders throughout the business who can identify opportunities and embed a trusted culture. A successful leader will be their authentic self and have a curious approach to people and business — one that enables them to identify opportunities, empower employees, and inspire change.

Watch the full interview with Simon Tupman now to discover more advice and guidance on becoming a successful law firm leader. You’ll also hear Simon’s exclusive advice on the areas of business that successful leaders should be focusing on to improve long-term success.

Listen on Spotify, Amazon Music, or YouTube now.

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