Access Legal, Legal Unlimited-01

Legal Unlimited: Unlocking your people power by Access Legal

Headline trends and insights from our latest paper, which explores the transformative power of a technology-led people strategy, drawing on the expert opinion from the legal, HR and tech worlds and practical steps to help firms achieve commercial success.

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We all know that people are the driving force of any law firm, yet there’s a limit to what they can achieve if they continually encounter inefficient and frustrating processes, no matter how many hours they put in.

Pushing past these limits means empowering your people to manage their cases seamlessly, collaborate with colleagues and grow their expertise. It’s about understanding their needs, ambitions and the challenges they face and using data to inform decisions that lead to positive employee and client experiences – which ultimately helps to attract and retain the most talented staff.

Not every law firm has a dedicated HR team, or even a full-time professional. However, the most innovative and ambitious, like many of those Access Legal works with, use technology to streamline transactional HR tasks and improve employee experiences at every step.

Covid-19 has pushed through changes that many once thought unviable, notably remote working. But the shift is also partly down to millennial attitudes and demands. As they rise through the ranks to become partners themselves, their influence will continue to shape people management policies even more. Looking ahead, to 2025 and beyond, successful firms will be people-centric and reap the benefits of an engaged workforce.

Written for ambitious firms who want to unlock their potential, this guide is one of a new series called Legal Unlimited, published by Access Legal. In this edition, they look at the transformative power of a technology-led people strategy, drawing on expert opinion from the legal, HR and tech worlds and suggesting practical steps to help firms achieve commercial success.

Read it here now!

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