The BARBRI barometer — navigating talent challenges and opportunities for SME law firms in 2024 and beyond

The new BARBRI Barometer, surveying 127 SME law firms, paints a stark picture of a sector struggling to attract and retain skilled staff, with nearly half (48%) of firms reporting difficulties keeping talent on board.


The report highlights a real disconnect between client needs and firm’s recruitment strategies. While client relationship management and communication skills rank highest in importance, attracting diverse talent appears to be an afterthought. Only 5% of firms consider a supportive and inclusive workforce a priority when attracting new candidates. This is despite recent YouGov research finding that diversity and inclusion is a key factor for two-thirds (66%) of job seekers, rising to a staggering 78% for Gen Z.

However, a glimmer of hope emerges with the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE). The research reveals that 73% of SMEs have embraced the SQE, a new qualification pathway opening doors for non-law graduates, paralegals, and apprentices. This wider talent pool offers firms a chance to address the skills gap and build more diverse teams.

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