Why cloud is the secure course
Three reasons — among many — that the accessibility and flexibility of cloud-based software should be top of the agenda for all modern law firms, according to Bundledocs.
Post-pandemic, the legal tech landscape in the UK has changed dramatically. More firms have been willing to adopt cloud solutions as courts moved online to ensure access to justice. Many of the main providers across the country have quickly reduced their on-premises offerings and are opting to harness cloud solutions in the future. With the rise in legal professionals working remotely and adopting cloud-first strategies, there is a greater focus on security and the security measures in place from service providers. The question is, what are you going to do about security?
Importance of data security for law firms
Data security is defined as “the area of information security that deals with the protection of digital assets” – making your firm accountable for the information of your clients. Earlier this year statistics showed that the number of reported cyber breaches at UK law firms jumped by 36% during the past two years, showing that hackers are increasingly targeting the profession. More than ever, it’s important that private information is safeguarded and secure from potential attacks. By implementing encryption and secure storage practice, firms can help to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access to their information.
Due to the influx of legal professionals working remotely, cybersecurity has been named as a critical aspect of protecting firm and client data by the Law Society. Not only is data security important for your clients, and to ensure increased reputation, it also helps firms to comply with worldwide data regulations. Across the world there are various data protection laws, including The Data Protection Act 2018, which is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Under this act, organisations must make sure data is “handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage.” Choosing cloud solutions ensures that your firm is court-compliant and places your customers’ security as a priority.
How the cloud can support data security
The key to security and legal data compliance is to be proactive and not reactive. With cyber threats looming and increases in attacks among the profession, it is important for your firm to make security a priority by using tech with legal-specific security controls. Proactivity can help your firm mitigate the risk of a breach, with the help of a cloud solution that offers flexibility, training and integration with law practice management software. By choosing cloud solutions, your firm can support data security and take advantage of the following benefits (and more):
- Scalability and enhanced data encryption: Cloud solutions allow you and your firm to work anywhere across the world securely. Using secure sharing features ensures that your communications are encrypted and not in breach of client confidentiality. Once you are onboard and using a cloud solution, onboarding new employees will be an easy process, ensuring positive scalability of your firm.
- Cost-effectiveness: According to the Law Society, the “financial implications of a cyberattack can be significant,” as the time needed to secure the breach can be extensive along with the cost of reputational damage. By choosing secure cloud solutions, your firm can ensure that money and billable time is used effectively for clients.
- Compliance/auditing: By choosing cloud solutions, you are choosing solutions that are secure and adhering to worldwide standards such as ISO 27001, which involves an objective auditor, ensuring the highest levels of data security. The visibility of such standards to clients can be positive and lead to increased reputation and business continuity.
Choose secure cloud solutions and reap the benefits
With the changes in the UK legal landscape, accessibility and flexibility of cloud-based software should be top of the agenda for all modern law firms. Research from Zippia shows that 94% of businesses report significant online security improvements after adopting the cloud. As an organisation that collects, manages and interacts with confidential information, your firm has a moral and legal responsibility to your clients. By being proactive and letting the experts handle security, you can maintain the security and integrity of sensitive data, so why not start the journey to cloud solutions now?