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Five questions to ask before switching your legal tech

Price isn’t the only factor when choosing technology — data protection and portability and the reality of daily use are also critical. Firms need a list of the most important things to know for a positive transformation experience and seamless transition

Data ownership and portability

In the rush to digitise legal processes, Clio notes one critical question often goes unaddressed: Who owns the data you input into these systems, and how portable is it?

Key insights on the latest legal trends

Clio’s legal trends report delves into critical aspects such as performance trends, payment collection strategies, and perceptions of AI usage within legal practices

Mid-sized firms are working harder, billing more — but collecting less

Clio’s 2024 Legal Trends for Mid-Sized Law Firms delves into critical aspects such as performance trends, payment collection strategies, and perceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) within mid-sized firms