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Preparing for AGM season 2024

A new Lexis+ report on shareholder voting patterns at AGM and the challenges right at the top for businesses in 2024.

Disloyal lawyers — has the partnership track lost its lustre?

A new LexisNexis report finds four-fifths of law firm leaders believe lawyer loyalty is declining

Lawyers in the new era of genAI

Lawyers from all backgrounds are jumping on the AI express, but concerns still linger over inaccuracies with free-to-use generative AI tools, finds a new LexisNexis report

Bellwether 2024: Lessons in law firm growth

Business growth strategy and technology investment plans for 2024 — a key legal market research report for small law firms and sole practitioners, from LexisNexis.

Bellwether 2023: Bold ambitions?

Building a bold and beautiful business strategy – a report for small law firms and solo practitioners.

Calling time on the billable hour

The billable hour has persisted for decades as the default way for law firms to charge clients and measure lawyer performance, but is it still a relevant model? LexisNexis investigates.

The LexisNexis GLP Index 2022

Is demand for your practice area of the law growing or declining? Read LexisNexis’s predictive analysis of current and historical data.

The laws of organic growth

This LexisNexis report explores the advantages and disadvantages of organic growth strategies used by the UK’s top law firms.

LexisNexis Bellwether 2022

LexisNexis uncovers the challenges facing SME law firms in its latest Bellwether report, outlining three major threats on the horizon in need of urgent attention.

LexisNexis Bellwether 2021 report

The latest LexisNexis Bellwether report explores the issues faced by SME law firms in the UK following the Covid-19 pandemic.